Second hand hybrid bike advice please

TZ-UK Forums TZ-UK Forums Saint-Just

I think I’d like a nice hybrid bike for very little money :icon_biggrin:

More seriously, I would like a decent thing as we live in a hilly part of Kent; While they can be retrofitted, I’d like some mudguards and ideally a rack, rigid frame M/L.
I can entertain a nice vintage bike but was told bikes had come on by leaps and bounds in the last 15 years. However when you don’t know it’s a bit of a minefield. A Specialized Sirrus for example looked interesting but how many generations are there, and which one should I go for?
Also, I said little money, and I mean that as I would expect to spend less than £250 if I can get away with it.

What models should I consider please (my source will be eBay, FB Marketplace, Gumtree, etc.)?

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