What a haul!

It’s no surprise that I collect affordable/ cheap watches. Today I spent an hour or so at my local flea market (again).

I lucked out today, I walked up to a booth where I’ve seen watches in the past, and this guy did have more watches this time. Before I could pick out a couple that I thought I could save he said “I’ll take $45 for all of them.”

17 watches in fair condition, some keepers, some need a bit of work, over all I call that a score!



What a haul!

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New old watch tools!

I just bought a small lot of vintage watchmakers tools and gadgets. Most of these are self explanatory, all are interesting and useful, but this first one I’m not sure what it’s used for (to be honest).



I just found my roller table clamp, now another one ends up on my bench…sweet!



Glass tube oilers. I’ll have to soak them to…

New old watch tools!

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Timex Marlin reissues

Hey-a, gang!

I have quite a few Timex watches in the collection. Most are older, some are brand new. I’ve always been drawn to the Marlin models, and most of their more plain everyday offerings.

This one was found for next to nothing. A very classic design indeed…no frills (except the 21 real jewels). Love it none the less.


Then this came out recently and I was intrigued. Mainly for the color and the 3-6-9-1Z markers. I came very close to owning…

Timex Marlin reissues

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Curved tweezers?

I’ve been wanting to try curved tweezers for awhile, and to be honest I held back because The cost, and I already have multiple pairs of regular straight ones.

I finally get the chance to see how they feel, and I hope they are worth it. I found a set of brass curved tweezers from Italy.

Does anyone else use curved, and how do they feel compared to straight? I know the huge difference will be how to hold them and grip small items (of course). Guess I’m feeling a bit leery about my first…

Curved tweezers?

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WOTB this week? 2-16-25

I spent a few hours with this one yesterday. I am testing my eyesight! Are things getting smaller, or am I just getting older? LOL

The hardest part was removing the hair spring stud and replacing it after oiling the cap jewel. It seems I could use mor…

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Thoughts on Timex?

Lately, within the last few years I’ve been collecting Timex watches.

Why? I just want to hear some other thoughts on a lonely Saturday night I guess.

Lets talk. We all must know that they are mass produced for the general public and are sold by the thousands throughout the years. They are a standard of sorts. Reliable, inexpensive, trendy, fashionable, etc.

How accurate they are depends on what you need in a watch, or time keeping devise. Most people rely on a watch for daily…

Thoughts on Timex?

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WOTB Today?

I may do one of these “What’s on the bench Today” posts once a week, so as not to flood the pages with the same stuff every day.

So, here’s what I’ve been working on this week, and a few I wrapped up today.


On top left is a Jerlian. This watch was given to me in a bunch of throw away watches. Someone broke the shock setting spring. So, just throw it away, right?

Bottom left, in pieces is a Gruen “Veri-Thin” getting ready for the wash.

Top left center…

WOTB Today?

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