Brand “Seriousness” vs Humor in Image, Tone, Name, Aura, etc

I see a lot of smaller brands on social media.
Some are “micro-” some are more established, even if still smallish.

I’ve noticed that they all have one thing in common, namely, the tendency to project a certain air of “seriousness” and all that talk about “commitment,” “drive” and “passion.”

Me, not a big fan of that same old corporate talk.

People will say: “it’s just normal business practice.”
Ya, I get it, but I always get the feeling that they all kinda want to project more…

Brand “Seriousness” vs Humor in Image, Tone, Name, Aura, etc

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FARASUTE watches ?

By now most of us are well aware of the perennial favorites on Ali AExpress: San Martin, Cronos, Steeldive, etc.

Farasute is not among them. Is it the styling?

I took a small detour to look at this brand for a couple of reasons.
One, because they se…

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CRONOS GMT… and the Stephen Hawing connection

I’ve encountered many posts extolling the virtues of CRONOS for being “superior” in build and finish bla bla bla over other Ali X brands.

Maybe it’s true.
But me being me, and suckage also being me, of course I had to end up getting one with a “hare lip” so to speak.
The DAMN IMMOVABLE BEZEL was off center by half a minute. !! 😡

So, I had to choose among a few equally unpleasant options.
1. Return it with all the hassles, and lose the return postage too.
2. Fix the problem myself.
3. Go…

CRONOS GMT… and the Stephen Hawing connection

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How high is TOO high 4u to buy online sight unseen for a high ticket item?

Whenever I come across a thread about getting scammed or even being VERY disappointed with some VERY expensive item, I do wonder: “But WHY? WHY buy such things online to begin with?”

Now, what is “expensive” is different for everyone. But for me I draw the line at 1K, and I rarely go even beyond 500. I just don’t care to have that sort of prob in my life.
Maybe I don’t love watches enough? Maybe. Daz ok.
What’s your limit?

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