Sleep issues?

TZ-UK Forums TZ-UK Forums Devonian

I’ve had horrendous sleep issues since I can remember back to my teens. On and off but it’s got worse over the years.

About 2007 I suffered quite badly from depression for a while and to cut a long story short ended up on sleeping tablets and been on them ever since. Last few years it’s been zopiclone 7.5mg. I probably take a tablet 3 or 4 times a week. At different times I bought them online as the Doctor wasn’t keen on me taking them long term, but I’ve had them on prescription for the last few years and doing this I can function. I’m sure the effects are diluted but it’s worked for me. From time to time I can go on a run of not taking one for a few days and even gone two weeks occasionally.

I’ve bought melatonin when in the USA and that’s helped at times, but it’s also given me extremely wild dreams so knocked that on the head.

Anyway to the point of my post . . . . . . . I’ve been reading about Magnesium Glycinate and started taking that about a month ago. Since then I fall asleep easier, only wake up a couple of times a night (instead of a dozen normally) and wake up for more refreshed in the morning (instead of feeling a bit drugged up). More to the point I’ve only taken sleeping tablets twice and that was deliberate as I had to get up at 4am for travelling.

Touch wood this is a bit of a gamer changer for me. When you read about magnesium the reviews are mixed, but it’s certainly helping me. If you have sleep problems it might be worth a try. Hope it helps someone.

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