Introducing: The Chrono-Grip Hook Strap – by Nick Mankey

Many of you will know, or use, Nick’s wonderful Hook Straps.

Now he has come up with another unique strap, apparently improving on that one: the Chrono-Grip Hook Strap

The all-purpose, minimalist, universal, titanium & elastic watch band system. Made in the USA!

This video introduces that new design, and I’m intrigued

It’s still in the…

Introducing: The Chrono-Grip Hook Strap – by Nick Mankey

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Any viable alternatives to the Artem hydroflex?

I really wanted to try the hydroflex after all the great things I’ve heard about it, but unfortunately, they dont make it in a size for someone like myself, with 8¼” wrists. Kinda surprising, considering that they’re supposed to be one of the industry leaders.

Does anybody know of a similar product from any other brand(s) which might make the strap in a larger size?

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Dassari Fitted FKM for the Tudor BB58 – First Impression

Though I’ve always liked the look of the fitted/curved rubber straps on these watches, the prices on most didn’t seem worth the try for someone who changes straps often like me. I also really appreciate the aesthetic & comfort of my Joseph Bonnie Tropic strap so I didn’t really think I needed another rubber strap in the rotation. I recently saw where Uncle Straps had released a new fitted FKM for the BB58 and when I saw the price, it definitely seemed worth a try. While looking around I…

Dassari Fitted FKM for the Tudor BB58 – First Impression

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What do you look for in high quality leather bands

I’m currently shopping for some leather high quality military/nato bands. And im not looking so much for a specific recommendation (though hey feel free to throw one out if you have it) as tips (or guides?) for what to look for in these.

Style wise you can get a sense from the pictures.

And if it is a trustworthy/well liked place from the reviews.

But I find I don’t really know what im looking for in the sense of why one band is 150 dollars and another 30. OR what is a good…

What do you look for in high quality leather bands

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