Pilot watches – esoteric functions – useful?

I’m not a pilot.

I own a Hamilton Flight Timer ana-digi watch.

Mainly for the looks and fantastic time functions, alongside ease of use.

It has a “flight log” function and displays ISA temperature at various altitudes. I never use either.

It got me thinking – do pilots actually use functions such as these on a wrist-watch, in the real-world? My guess is that they don’t but I’m unqualified to say for sure.

Other examples with such functions are the Omega Z-33 and Omega X-33.

I also came…

Pilot watches – esoteric functions – useful?

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New TGN CWC Crew Watch

I thought I would start a thread and post some pics of this watch as it was just shipped out this month. It was a special production model. Only 500 made I think. I’m a huge CWC fan and just had to place an order. It was an 8 month wait from time of or…

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Favorite Field Watch

I’m thinning out my herd in a pretty big way, so this will come off as somewhat counter intuitive. I don’t have a single field watch in my collection. I’ve come close to buying a Khaki a few times, but never. Same with the Tudor Ranger. I think when I clear out some watches, a field watch will be the first thing I start to look for.

What would your recommendations be for a good field watch under $1k? Something with a bit of character and history behind it would be cool, but not…

Favorite Field Watch

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Favorite Field Watch

I’m thinning out my herd in a pretty big way, so this will come off as somewhat counter intuitive. I don’t have a single field watch in my collection. I’ve come close to buying a Khaki a few times, but never. Same with the Tudor Ranger. I think when I clear out some watches, a field watch will be the first thing I start to look for.

What would your recommendations be for a good field watch under $1k? Something with a bit of character and history behind it would be cool, but not…

Favorite Field Watch

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