Forgotten watches


After lurking +15 years on WUS, I find it interesting how forum favourite watches appear and then disappear, and are never mentioned again. It’s part of the wave of hype, I believe.

Being it SKX007, Orient Starseeker or Bambino/Mako, Lew&Huey/NTH, Baltic watches(?) perhaps.

Post your ex-forum favourite watch, so we can remember and admire them once more.


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Are Orient watches long lasting?

Are Orient watches long lasting?
The reason I am asking this question: some years ago I wanted to get an Orient Defender (1st generation) but for one reason or another I did not.


If I am looking now on ebay for ‘pre-owned’ Orient defenders (of any generation,)
the current offer is a total of 10 (ten) watches.
I really doubt that the explanation of why the market for pre-owned Orient watches is so scarce has to do with the fact that (perhaps) very few…

Are Orient watches long lasting?

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