strange smell at front door, foxes?

TZ-UK Forums TZ-UK Forums justin44

I live on a small estate, we see foxes every now and then and if we leave bin bags out they get ripped open (so we don’t) , but last few weeks there has been a real unpleasant smell by our front door, I said foxes and left it at that, some days stronger than others, but today i could smell it before I opened my front door and next door came around to say they had the same problem ( I think they wanted to blame our cat but its definitely not cat pee) we stood on the door step talking and the smell came and went. We did say it was almost like a bad weed smell as if someone was smoking it near by, but that doesn’t seem to fit as none about and nearest house was all shut up, plus I am now sat at my desk and every now and then get a whiff of it.
Anyone else experienced this? I am pretty sure its foxes and a quick google says about now is there breeding time.

Anyone know any fox deterrents i could try? or anything else it could be?

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