Pandora’s Box in the Netherlands – 80 yrs after WWII

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Today, 80 yrs after 1945, the Dutch National Archieve has opened Pandora’s Box with names of people investigated (and sentenced) by the Justice Department after 1945.

“Collaboration” is something that has a very bad aura here. I think that the Dutch are easier on German soldiers who had no choice, compared with our ‘own’ collaborators who volunteered to stand on the wrong side of history.

The website with names has a few built-in thresholds: one can only read the files physically and you have to show that you are a scientist or journalist before you can read the files.

The point is, there’s a long, long list of names.
I checked my name: luckily no family members. I checked a few other names. People I used to know (now dead and buried). Pfff 4 out of 7 are a ‘hit’…

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