Operation Amherst; April 1945 in the northern part of the Netherlands. My search

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Early April 1945, SAS and Commandos landed in the NE part of the Netherlands. The operation was called Operation Amherst.

Only recently, I found out that my father was involved in that operation: he was member of the Dutch resistance in that area and the resistance fought alongside the paras. Back then, my father was 24 y/o. He would turn 25 in May ’45. My father’s only remaining brother (in his 90s now, all the others have passed away) told me this story this winter! My father never did. This story alone connects some dots already: perhaps it partly answers how he ended up with the Allied Forces near the end of the war. I’d always figured that he stepped forward after May ’45 as an interpreter: he spoke both German and English (not common in those days). However, it looks as if there could be another connection.

My wife and I are traveling to London in May. She work-related and I come along to visit the Imperial War Museum. I’ve contacted them already with my ‘story’ and I received a wonderful, nice email back; how to apply for material that I want to see. My main goal is pictures of that Operation. Hopefully I can get a glimpse of my dad. And perhaps more.

Anyway, we’ve booked the Eurostar and the hotel (the latter is a hotel my wife had to select from a corporate list – not a bad-looking one). I asked my wife to look out for a hotel on the Southbank. and yes, it’s on the Southbank, close to the IWM; 10 mins walking distance.

I need to add that a few members here and I exchanged some PMs already. As always loaded with suggestions, links etc. The spirit on the forum is absolutely fantastic.

The wheels are in motion!

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