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My daughter is 18 and suffers from Ulcerative Colitis and and I is currently in flare and on steroids which are not helping much. The other day she suddenly experienced a sharp pain in the kidneys and for around 14 hours was passing blood in her urine. She went to A&E and they did a urine test and said they could not see an infection and to go to a proper hospital A&E which she did. This time they did bloods and urine and said they could not see anything but think it’s probably an infection and gave her both antibiotics and codeine to take. My daughter is not convinced it’s an infection as she has no fever or any other symptoms and her urine is back to normal, but she still gets this bad pain for 20 mins in the one kidney once a day. I was thinking it might be stones, but nothing really makes any sense and I was annoyed they did not scan her in A&E, they just wanted her out.
Anyone with any ideas, before I pay for the private route?
Thanks in advance!