Ollech and Wajs. C1000-A. My customer service experience.

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Ollech and Wajs C1000-A.

TLDR : A really nice retro-style watch but absolutely woeful service.

For an in-depth hands-on review of the watch follow this:

Being a child of the 70s, I really like 70s-style watches. A Jenny Caribbean had been on my want list for some time but had not been able to find one in reasonable condition at a reasonable price, so when Eddie announced the Smiths PRS-55 Caribbean I was delighted. I secured a yellow dial / yellow bezel model, was very happy with it and thought that was my Caribbean box ticked.
Fast forward to September 2024 when I first became aware of the release of the Ollech and Wajs C1000-A (via a review on Monochrome Watches). The retro styling appealed, the watch looked neat and compact at just under 40mm, the glass inlaid bezel was definitely something that caught my eye and the Cadmium Yellow RAF-style strap was a great match for the yellow of the bezel markers. The first 56 models were LE, using the last of O&W’s customised ETA 2824-2 movements and that added to the appeal (even though it does not have an exhibition case back). There was definitely room for another Caribbean interation in my watch box! I sent an email to O&W Customer Service team, expressing my interest in the LE version. A few weeks later in early October, I received an email back confirming that that an LE version was indeed available. Included in the email was a link to a secure site, I had to pay half now and half before shipping (estimated November 2024). I completed payment and made a mental note to follow up their email a month later.

Sadly around this point, my Mum died quite unexpectedly. As the sole executor I was responsible for funeral arrangements, sorting out her paperwork (banks, pensions, bills) and her will, probate and house valuation/sale. Not unexpectedly, I quite forgot about the watch. It wasn’t until December when I was on holiday abroad that I remembered about it. I emailed their customer service team, asking when they wanted the second payment. Hearing nothing back a week later, I emailed again, this time using both their customer service email address and an email address for one of their sales employees found on Linkedin. I received an email back stating they had no record of my watch order or payment. Somewhat concerned, I sent them the original email I had received, plus a screenshot of the first payment. Their next email said that my order had been ‘misplaced’ but they could see the payment. There was a link on this email to make the second payment. I was somewhat reluctant to complete this but gave O&W the benefit of the doubt as presumed they must have just been busy as they had recently announced new models.

A few weeks passed, we were now in early January. I had received no response from O&W. I did consider calling them but was not sure if anyone in their Sales or Distribution team would speak English. I emailed on the 8th January (after the legendarily long Swiss holidays were over) but did not receive an email until the following week, when I was told the watch was being shipped (but with no shipping reference). The watch did not arrive. I sent a series of emails but had no further response. This was now the end of January 2025. I sent a printed letter of complaint detailing the appalling customer service, to their registered office in Switzerland. By this point, I was seriously concerned that my money had gone astray and was considering contacting Mastercard to see if they could recover the payments. As a last resort, I went back to Monochrome Watches website to re-read the watch review and found a Contact Us form. I included a quick summary of my issue and asked if they had any direct contact with O&W to help chase my order.

A few days later, in early February, I received a response from Frank Geelen, the founder of Monochrome Watches, which included the email address of Charles Le Menestrel, the MD of O&W.
I sent Charles an email and much to my surprise, he rang me later that day. From the sound of his voice, I was not the only person he had been calling to apologise. He said that O&W had introduced a new sales order and email system towards the end of 2024 and this had caused chaos with a huge backlog of orders and emails not being answered. With regards to my watch, he said that it had been assembled and given to an intermediary to give to UPS but that it had gone astray. He had requested a replacement watch and assured me he would personally sort this out. I heard nothing until I sent Charles a further email on the 21st February, requesting an update. A few days later, I received a UPS delivery reference and the watch finally arrived on the 1st March. However on opening the box, I found that the watch registration card was blank, there was no user manual/instructions, there was no shark mesh bracelet and there was nothing to indicate that this was indeed the LE version (eg no case back engraving). A further email to O&W was then required. Their response was that the watch registration card is only completed after the first service (?), they do not include an owner’s manual/instruction set and the LE number is engraved on the crown. The shark mesh was to be shipped from a separate company (and did arrive a few days later). My additional email would not have been required if they had given me all the information in an email when they sent the shipping reference. The LE on the crown is a nice design touch but unless you know to look for it, is easily missed.

Disappointingly, when it arrived, I felt none of the excitement of receiving a new watch, just relief that months of hassle was over. Frankly I doubted that I would ever see it.

The watch itself is really good, it sounds quite thick at 15.8mm but the short lug length means it sits very comfortably on my wrist. I will leave it on the RAF strap as it really suits it.

In summary :
The service from O&W is quite the worst that I have experienced (and as my wife will confirm, I have bought a lot of watches over the years from both big and small brands). I think the new O&W Tundra is quite an attractive and unusual watch but would not want to potentially go through all this palaver again. Maybe if I see one pre-worn…

Sincere thanks to Frank from Monochrome Watches for helping me out. A good 8/10 for the watch but a poor 2/10 for O&W for their dire customer service.

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