TZ-UK Forums TZ-UK Forums bwest76
In strict confidence I sent a message to Mj2k after getting an extra ticket for him for the next event coming up this friday.
This as he keeps hounding me and heavily inferred I was a Walt yesterday (later edited by him).
I thought if we could meet and he saw how the military were in real life perhaps he might mellow,plus its just good fun.
He chose to post it on the Lucy Letby thread,which I find unbelivable bad taste to the children.
I started to reply on the same thread,but didnt as that would also be wrong.
I did,there were 2 F1 on site I tried to get a cabby with an attractive blonde but ended up with the middle aged business man from Brum (nice chap).
But boy could he drive I was gripping the seat as my eyes popped,it felt like massive gforce when he braked.
He told me he had put it on the soft settings as I had problems getting in the car (and out of others) I cant imagine full on.
I had trouble with every car lotus,E,type etc. people had to bend my knees for me to get me in and pull me out afterwards on every one my legs are so weak,but you get no sympathy just banter like we do and expect (love it).
The car owners dont get paid,they are good people who come over to support us and have a bit of fun themselves.
As for Mr.Milton Keynes I went out of my way to get him a ticket as hes always going on at me and following me around the forum (he deleted comments about my service yesterday).
They are well run friendly events with no rambo nonsense.
It was a chance for MK to out me as a Walt and meet some genuine Armed forces personnel plus learn some off road skills.
The fact that he posted it here of all places after I asked it to be kept quiet says it all,he as no back bone.
"But saying that he is still welcome to come on Friday and make his own mind up,nothing to lose everything to gain".
A few photos I took.
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