TZ-UK Forums TZ-UK Forums pete-r
My trusty 2010 Lexus needs quite a bit of money spending on it so I’m using man maths to get something newer.
My budget is around 23-25k for an approved car.
My original thought was a BMW 540i saloon. Great drivetrain and the 5 seems to always be the model BMW throw everything at to be best in class. My budget would get me a 2017-18 car.
My other more recent thought is an Audi S5 sportback as a want rear doors (S4 also in the running). For the budget I’d get a newer 2018-19 car. Again great engine but perhaps more stiffly sprung for the daily drive.
Anyone got real world experience to offer any pearls of wisdom?
What should I buy?
What should I look for?
What to avoid?
Will the Audi be a theft magnet for those keyless thieves?