Landlord / management retrospective charge advice.

TZ-UK Forums TZ-UK Forums higham5

Hi quick bit of advice from the collective. My lad and his girlfriend both work in Caribbean for 9/10 months of the year. They both have small properties which are let to tenants. Because they are out of the county so much they used a small local company ( just one lady) who carried out inspections, arranged trades collected rents and when needed found and short listed tenants.

Both houses have long term tenants , who are happy.

Issue has arisen where the local lady retired and sold the letting mgt business to a large group. This occurred mid last year. Inevitably charges went up , slightly, but these were accepted. Now the new management company has billed them two charges for £895 for new tenant introductions for their existing tenants. My lad and his partner can prove the tenants were in months/ over a year before the new company took over.

As they cant just pop in and chat to the new guys they are frustrated with these speculative charges. Any ideas how much a solicitors letter would cost? They are on the Isle of Wight and have limited knowledge of solicitors.

Thanks in advice for any suggestions


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