eBay is such a scam company

TZ-UK Forums TZ-UK Forums JPCain86

I sold my watch through eBay. It went through authentication process and even had a message from the buyer about how happy he is with the watch.

Fast forward a week or so and eBay have restricted my account and won’t let me withdraw my money.

First they said I need to upload the tracking details. This was already done and as previously mentioned it went through the authentication process, so in the end it was posted by them. I told them this.

Then they asked for proof of ownership, I mean not everyone has this but luckily I actually bought the watch from eBay so I was able to show them the exact watch was bought from their site to prove I own it.

After that I got an email saying my account is permanently restricted and I can’t get my money out.

I’m certain they do this for cashlow purposes and to make money. It’s criminal. They have no reason to restrict my account and stop me selling but they certainly shouldn’t be holding my funds from me.

Avoid eBay at all costs!

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