Omega Watch Forums Omega Watch Forums eugeneandresson
I keep reading about the 'uncle watch'…and it took a while to figure out what it meant, as it has a few contexts.
My first Omega is an uncle-watch. Not the bought from shady-seller-peddling-watch-of-dubious-origin-under-guise-of-being-his-uncle's, but rather a real uncle watch, a past member of my family. Actually, its a great-uncle-watch …
My first Omega is an uncle-watch. Not the bought from shady-seller-peddling-watch-of-dubious-origin-under-guise-of-being-his-uncle's, but rather a real uncle watch, a past member of my family. Actually, its a great-uncle-watch …
This thread is dedicated to all of the great (and not so great) family members out there who left us their watches
(or however we came about them) …