Consignment and the state of the market

TZ-UK Forums TZ-UK Forums 100thmonkey

Having watched and worked in the trade for a few years we have seen trends emerging, after a decade or 3 of steady growth we hit the bubble blipp of over inflated covid prices and panic buyers and sellers. This left many out of pocket or in negative equity and a false hope / dream of prices rising

Now we appear to be in a brave new world. The world of consignment sales. When I was trading you would only do consignment for pieces that you lacked the confidence to sell and / or wanted to gently let down a seller over their price expectations.

Id like to know lived experience of sale or return from forum members as I don’t believe watches are being sold off forum but do know they are being advertised at strong money and wonder if the wait is worth the effort or sellers are compromising on price to get things moving. I know dealers who do consignment will cut their margin for a easy sale as after all its costing them nothing to make money this way

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