What is a sports watch?

I’m not totally sure but I know it when I see it. I profess that it is my favorite “style/category” of watch. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter so long as I like my watches but it may make for a decent topic to discuss.

When I think of sports I don’t think of watches. And vice versa, unless it’s an NFL (Breitling), NBA (Tissot) or college branded watch. A sports watch is an enigmatic term but it’s frequently used. Is it design, build, quality, intended use or complications that make…

What is a sports watch?

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Reunited (NWA)

And it feels so good! I actually just sold my blue dial 104 in January. After shipping that one, I knew I had made a mistake.


Looking back I rushed the decision to sell it while in the midst of a transition. I’m still in that transition period as I’ve tried to tighten things up in terms of quality and quantity. In the last few months I’ve sold 6 watches and bought 3. So now, my core collection consists of 9 watches instead of 12.

I always really…

Reunited (NWA)

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Yacht-Master 42 titanium

Come one, come all, lovers and haters alike. This is not my watch but I plan to buy one when it becomes available at my AD. I finally had the chance to check one out at a local secondary dealer.

I’ve seen one or two posters who own this one (including @roachjl), so I’m not covering any new territory, but I did want to share a lot of pictures. Tagging @Eisenhammer.

If you didn’t know, I am an unabashed Rolex fan. I have nothing bad to say about this…

Yacht-Master 42 titanium

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Day Date Info Request

I’m told that I will be bequeathed a gold Day Date at some point. I’m not expecting to get it any time soon and I’ll be fine if I don’t get it. I may buy a modern one closer to when I retire.

If/when it’s handed down, I plan to wear it. I’m not exactly sure but I think it’s a 18238 or similar. I ltried it on for the first time last month.

The only thing I know about it is that the original dial was replaced with MOP. I wouldn’t classify the current owner as a watch guy so I haven’t asked…

Day Date Info Request

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JLC Polaris Owners Club

I ran a search for a dedicated thread for JLC’s Polaris line and didn’t find an active one (or any). As a new owner of a Polaris, I wanted to start one for owners and others to discuss the various iterations and share pictures and information.

I occasionally see the Polaris around WUS but much less frequently than other JLC or other sporty watches. I hope there are enough WUS’ers interested in them to keep this thread active. Here goes…

I’ve only had my Polaris Geographic a couple of…

JLC Polaris Owners Club

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JLC OEM Black Curbed End Rubber Strap

I am selling the black rubber strap that came on my Polaris Geographic. I never wore it as I switched to the alternative strap the watch came with. The condition is like-new.

Both ends are 21mm lug width and they taper to 20mm at the buckle. The strap…

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