Thoughts on the Stylist Reissue?

Hello everyone,
I don’t have much experience with Tissot, bar the fact that a close friend and coworker daily wears a blue gradient dial hand-winding Tissot Stylist he bought new about 45 years ago, very much like this one;


I always admired it, and I think it’s a stunning watch.

This week, I was very pleased to see ads for a Stylist reissue, exactly like his! I showed my coworker the site listing today, and he excitedly held his original up to the…

Thoughts on the Stylist Reissue?

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WWII and Earlier West End Watch Co- Seeking Info

Here in Japan, I have noticed many vintage West End Watch Co. watches for sale online, many for extremely cheap. There are some obvious redials and pretty rough exmaples, but even genuine-looking watches seem to be pretty reasonably priced for a water-resistant military-type watch of their time. I’ve been thinking about getting one from around the late 30s-early 40s, but I have had trouble figuring out how to reliably date them, and to learn what makes a model more or less desireable…

WWII and Earlier West End Watch Co- Seeking Info

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Troubleshooting Ultra Fast Watch

So I’ve got an early 40s manual wind watch with an ebauche that I suspect is a Unitas, and it has a need for speed. The sales listing said that it was making a full rotation of the seconds hand in 45 seconds, which would be hours fast per day. Naturally, I assumed it was a magnetization problem.


Before winding the watch myself, I held the movement up to my cheapo compass and the needle immediately jumped over 40…

Troubleshooting Ultra Fast Watch

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