Where do I even begin…

To keep it brisk, my main attraction to horology is the mechanical aspect. A mechanical aspect that I’m semi knowledgeable in, but want to dive into as deep as possible.

Anyone got any recommendations on a fully comprehensive kit/combination of kits? Not just a few screwdrivers and some rodico, I mean everything from that down to crystal pushers and pressure testers.

The end goal is to restore vintage pieces myself, for my collection and my friends/colleagues (and hey, maybe some of you…

Where do I even begin…

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How would you wear it?

Well, I at least have my Alsta Surf’n Ski on a bracelet…


…that has mismatched hardware and is literally disintegrating on my wrist… Wearable, but the incorrect stamped logo and gold clasp tick me off a tad.

I kinda love the look otherwise though, it looks classy on the leather, it just needs the right hardware and maybe some orange stitch. Or maybe just black leather/orange stitch. On the other hand, it’s a Surf’n SKI. Hey, I ski! Hey, this…

How would you wear it?

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My Watch Box

Well, I’ve run 20 laps around the life sustaining fireball in the sky, and in celebration of that my in-laws bought me a new box for my collection.


So let’s have a little show and tell, shall we? I show you what I have, you tell me what I should put in the empty spaces? Groovy, let’s go.


Seiko SRPD51 – My first mechanical watch, and the reason I fell in love with horology and collecting


My Watch Box

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