Seiko SLA021 a bit bright

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Afternoon all …amoung other watches I love my SLA021 for many reasons however I intend to use it as my sailing watch , but the only thing that concerns me is the lovely bright deliciously polished case !..especially in say some of the more dodgy harbours .
Anyway I spotted recently that seiko had brought out a black version SLA035 I believe ..does anyone have any experience of this model especially with regards how the coating wears my mm300 is not a desk diver !.
I do own a sinn 856 which I have had for about 20 years and with its tagimented case apart from a couple of dings still looks great , so I have been considering prehaps selling the SLA21 and going in the direction of a U1 or EZM3 , but that would be a shame as I love my mm300 but I feel on the boat in certain places it maybe needs to be under the radar a bit more !…
As regards should I keep it anyway the thing is I am trying to get down to 4 watches which all have a purpose ..
Sinn 856 UTC daily wearer ..
Dornbleuth & Sohn 99.1 city wear .
CWC G10 . Heavy work wear .
Seiko MM300 ?? Sailing wear .

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