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Then in mid 2021 I suffered heart failure, and was absolutely convinced that this time I’m done. I’m not going to survive this, and I don’t want my wife to have to deal with sorting out and selling my watches, so I pretty much sold the lot. I gave the TTDJ to my sister, and most of the rest went to the trade as a job lot
I couldn’t part with the Sub though, and I told my wife that when I kick the bucket, give it to my best mate Mike.
After the illness I lost my watch mojo and focused on other stuff, but gradually as health improved I decided that I would enjoy building another collection, and this is it. I don’t really regret selling any of the ones above apart from the LV which I bought for my 50th, I maybe should have kept that one and gifted it to my mate instead of the Sub, all in all I’m happy with my lot. More importantly, health issues seem more stable so I’m going to enjoy what I have.