Incoming! And a shot next to a vintage Ed White

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The 4th different model of Speedmaster that has entered the collection and for the first time, it’s actually one that I know I’ll keep! :twit:

The first time I saw photos of it, I fell in love. From the straight lugs to the bracelet to the sometimes dark blue / sometimes dark grey dial, this thing has everything going for it for me. And let’s not forget about that amazing crystal – wow! It fits very nicely in my collection IMO, and I’m happy to have worked with DavidSW yet again to get a good deal on this one.

Got it sized by my local watchmaker, who happens to be selling an Ed White. Took a shot of the two cousins next to one another…the vintage piece is beautiful, but I’ll have to enjoy this one for awhile before jumping in on another Speedy!

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