Full contact details!

TZ-UK Forums TZ-UK Forums walkerwek1958

A short rant:

Folks send me watches to fix and don’t send their full contact details, when the job’s done how am I supposed to return it?

Or maybe they’ll put a semi-legible scribbled postcode on the outside of the package, maybe they’ll include a hand-written note I can`t read. I end up messing around trying to contact them to confirm the address etc. which is OK provided they access the forum frequently or have e mail alerts when receiving a PM. If I`m struggling to make contact a phone number would be v. helpful but all too often I don’t get one. I always check that the owner is around to receive the watch prior to return but if they don’t access the forum or see the PMs the watch is delayed with me.

I never ask for payment till the watch is returned, but maybe that needs to change. Currently struggling to contact a guy who signed for his watch last Saturday and has disappeared off the radar, non payment, no communication. If I had his phone number I`d ring him, I’ve found his company details but no contact number. If he reads this he’ll know who I mean!

Rant over.

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