Home and Contents Insurance – HELP !!!

TZ-UK Forums TZ-UK Forums ozzies

So my Renewal has just come through . Premium has been increased by 50% !!!!

Premium has gone from £1194 last year to £1741 . This is with M&S Home Insurance the Premium policy that I have used for the last 5 or 6 years . Incidentally a recommendation that was on this forum .

Obviously I have a fairly big house 5 bedrooms and a watch collection with jewellery . 2 watches and a diamond ring insured outside the home limit 15k . One and only claim over 2 years ago – burglary claim approx 5k .

I really can’t see how this can be justified , premium in 2020 was £562 , It seems Car Insurance has gone substantially this year so how come ?

Does anybody have any suggestions for other companies giving better value for the same conditions please ?


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