TZ-UK Forums TZ-UK Forums kevkojak
A few days ago I got a series of emails saying my hotnail account had been accessed from Colombia and Brazil. I looked into it but as I hadn’t recieved a text (new sign ins always get a text) I wrote it off as spam.
Now, this morning I opened the hotmail window and it’s auto-logged in but there’s a pop-up saying because of unusual activity they want me to sign in again and add some extra protections. I entered my email password and it asked me to enter a conformation code which would be texted to me (as usual), but the phone number given (they only show the last three digits) isn’t mine. It MIGHT be my old number from when I set up the account 20 years ago, bit I’m 99% sure they’ve got my current number because as I say when I get a new phone/tablet/laptop they send me a text to make sure its me.
Under the phone number is a drop-down box to say "I no longer have this" which I pressed, but that just leads to a standard Microsoft error screen.
HELP! What do I need to do? I’m wondering if I should just set up a back-up email and swiftly swap my PayPal and banking to that one now (both have two step security though) along with any shopping accounts; ebay, amazon etc.
It seems to me that the account hasn’t been accessed but somebody is trying mighty hard to do so. The ultra frustrating thing is that there isn’t an online chat or anything to hammer this out with a real person. I’m thinking I may need to just cut ties to the account and start a fresh one.
Please please help, what do I do? I’ve so much on my shoulders at the minute this has put me into meltdown, I’ve been paralysed all afternoon with this. Is it nothing, or is it the worst case scenario??