Seamaster Only Book Announcement

We are very excited to answer to many requests from our friends and from the Omega collectors community: the publication of a new “ONLY” opus dedicated to the Seamaster diver watches.

Some of you (just a few…) knew that we were working on this new book, but we hadn’t announced it officially. Now we are happy to make it official: we will publish a SEAMASTER ONLY.

And there is a good reason to do so. After a very interesting and positive discussion with our friends @kox and…

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Omega Speedmaster Reduced

Good afternoon,

I have recently bought a Speedmaster reduced 3510.50 (still waiting for it to arrive) and I have been on the look out for some replacement bits to get it into shape, i have sourced a replacement crystal but i need a few seals which seem to be thin on the ground,

I understand from reading other posts its a snap on case back with the hard plastic (single use) seals and im really struggling to source, CousinsUK has the parts listed (198ZW5029) but non available and I’m…

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