Can you identify please?

Hello folks, new boy here, just signed up.

I am a very amateur watch repairer and a friend has foolishly allowed me to try and fix his Omega. Please see photo attchaed. The number on the movement is 10374166 and that’s all I have to go on. I can post some photos of the movement if that will help.

I need to find a source of parts as I suspect the winding stem is broken, or will be broken when I try to remove it. My friend is a workman and he spilled glue on the watch and the crown is now…

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Identifying my grandfather’s Omega Geneve

Hi everyone. I’m hoping the community might be able to help me with a reference number for the Omega Geneve I inherited from my grandfather a few years back. After a 9-month wait for a Geneva-based Omega service, I just got it back last week. They did a beautiful job, especially on restoring the dial while retaining the custom Harley Davison logo. (For those who are curious, my grandfather worked at Harley and ordered these watches for himself and colleagues to commemorate the 75th…

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Old Omega (?) cocktail watch identification (clearer photos added!)

Hello all,​

Help is sought identifying this watch! It belonged to my grandmother, who lived from c.1900 until the mid 1980s. I have no idea when she got this watch.​

It has a serial number but no obvious manufacturer’s mark. Three things make me think it may be an Omega. First, It was recently found by my mother in a box in which it had been sitting for at least 40 years, yet the crown works perfectly, it winds up smoothly, and it keeps good time! Secondly, it was…​

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