The Polerouter Book

When my good friend, Mattia Mazzucchi, a UK-based Italian collector, suggested we write a book about the Polerouter together, I jumped at the chance. What better excuse to handle lots of beautiful and rare watches, obsess over the details and revel in …

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Help Needed – Odd Configuration Polerouter cal. 215 Patent Pending

I bought this cal. 215 Patent Pending Polerouter last month from a Private Seller here. I looked at the reference table on and the closest reference I came up with is the 20357 but that one has “microrotor” on the dial. My watch movement dial does not say microrotor on it though.

I’ve asked asked some well known people with expertise on Polerouter configurations and they are not aware of this calibre with the dial I have. I was asked for the serial number but…

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Post your Universal Geneves

I just realized there’s no thread here that compiles our UGs. Inspired by the “Post your Longineseses'” thread in the Longines Sub-Forum, I’m creating this thread. Maybe this can be a sticky too (hint, hint, mods 😗)?

Here are mine:

My first vintage UG, a Polerouter Date I got from @jordn:

My Polerouter Sub:

I spoke about how I got this here:

Next is the 262 I bought from…

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