Am I a monster?

It started a few weeks ago, at the cusp of new year sale madness. Given the significant discounts, I thought it would be helpful to track my sleep cycles as well as some exercise metrics (zone training and vo2 max). Mainly, I wanted my watch to yell at me and make me feel bad if I stayed up too late. Enter my new Garmin.


I can understand if my fellow members shun me for this, but I must confess that I’ve worn it for the past few weeks pretty much…

Am I a monster?

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Strap ideas for this Certina watch

It’s ordinarily on the bracelet, but I like variety. I like this tropic style for the summer, but I’m looking for something a little nicer. Just ordered a (used? Fell off a truck?) Hirsch performance (James) strap on eBay – damn, those have gotten expe…

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De minimis revocation didn’t last long…

Those of you in the U.S. who were expecting to deal with the elimination of the de minimis exemption to customs duty taxes for overseas purchases under $800 can rest easy for now. Reports confirm that the de minimis $800 exemption will remain in place for now. A huge jam of entering packages was threatening to bring package delivery to a halt. The exemption will remain in place until the proper infrastructure to handle the calculation and billing of the customs charges can be put in…

De minimis revocation didn’t last long…

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