I love all my Omegas, but there is not one watch I would buy as a starter for my older grandchildren


My first Omega was purchased more than 40 years ago. I have more than my fair share of Omegas and all of them have been serviced throughout the years.
I have proudly worn my Omegas around the world for more years than many reading this thread have been alive. If I do not represent the type of buyer that Omega’s marketing group should want to have a lifelong relationship with, than you have the wrong people designing and marketing your watches.
As I celebrate a milestone birthday, it…

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Finally…The Russian Mir style strap is mine….

I always wanted to add the Soviet version of the Timely Calendar to my collection and I finally tracked a set down from the 70’s from behind the Iron Curtain. The seller told me he would throw in a free Mir space station era Speedmaster strap with the calendars as well. How could I pass that deal up?

After three months the calendars arrived.

The Original Russian Mir space station strap can be seen here….

Here is the strap on my Speedmaster…


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Show us your Casios

I know one of the pleasures of this forum is to show off the prizes of our collections, but I want to remember the humble Casio. Most of us have one somewhere, or have had one at some point. I know there are many G-Shocks around here. A Casio is often the gateway drug that leads to the money drain that we call watch collecting, so let’s celebrate ’em.

I guess I picked up this one 20 to 25 years ago. Long before my interest in collecting. I needed something suitable for travel, including…

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Is Casio as good as a Rolex?

This popped up in my Google search for a Casio.

When we summarize the text, we get this list of comparative features.

Casio watches are known for:
wide range of functions
significantly cheaper

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Advice for storing watches and insurance

Hey everyone,

I’m looking to purchase a safe to store my valuables. I’ve done prior research and was advised to purchase one that could be bolted down so as to deter burglars from taking the whole thing. However, as I am renting the apartment, I am not sure if my landlord would allow this and also am worried that it might be a hassle when I move in the future. Would be great to hear your thoughts on this.


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The closest thing OF has to Mecca

On a recent trip to London, I had a chance to stroll through the famous Burlington Arcade. While there are a fair number of jewelers with interesting watches in their windows (something that has apparently remained consistent since the Arcade first ope…

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