Dedicated to family : uncle-watch(s)

I keep reading about the ‘uncle watch’…and it took a while to figure out what it meant, as it has a few contexts.
My first Omega is an uncle-watch. Not the bought from shady-seller-peddling-watch-of-dubious-origin-under-guise-of-being-his-uncle’s, but rather a real uncle watch, a past member of my family. Actually, its a great-uncle-watch …

This thread is dedicated to all of the great (and not so great) family members out there who left us their watches
(or however we came about them) …

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Seamaster 120m 2511.50 Questions

Hey guys, I have a Speedy Pro Hesalite that I wear every day except for when I go swimming or skiing. I wanted an Omega that was affordable, but would be more water resistant than the speedy and something that I wouldn’t worry about taking on ski trips…

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Ever buy a watch on eBay just to see what it is?

I pour through “broken watches” on eBay looking for parts and projects. Ever buy one just to see what it is?
For instance, this one. Paid $44. Can’t figure it out (well, yet). Sub seconds on top or maybe a power reserve. Crown at 3 and 4 or is it just a bad pic? Could simply be a one jewel wonder.
I never ask questions on bundles of crap for fear that the seller might say: HOLY S#$T! This is a….
Check it out. Think it’s a pile or is it something?

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