Eugene Hackman passed away (1930-2025)

2025, February 26 American actor Eugene A. Hackman passed away…
We’ll remember him for amazing roles in detective movies but also for the 1969 SciFi movie “Marooned, the Sage of Ironman One !”
In that movie, Hackman was an astronaut, named Buzz Lloyd, who after five months in the space station, began to perform erratic and substandard so NASA decided to bring the crew home. The Command Module “Ironman One” thrusters failed and the crew was effectively marooned in orbit.

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Omega Watch Constellation


So I bought this omega watch online but I cant afford more much more to check its authenticity.

I went to jewelly shops and if i mention sell, they seem interested but as soon as I mention about valuation they dont seem interested.

Ive b…

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Any fans of the pin & collar system?

A few years ago, I lost the pins + collars on my Orient Triton (now known as Neptune) when sizing it initially a few years ago. Couldn’t find pins/collars sold separately, so had to buy the whole bracelet again recently. Luckily Orient USA had it in stock (since I want to keep everything OEM).

Lesson learned! Saw several tutorials on how to size p&c. Initially was pissed with the system. Now I love it! Might be a pain to resize, but it makes sense from an engineering background. It is a…

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