Anyone else collect militaria? (including watches)

Greetings all.
I was wondering if anyone else here on OF also has a keen interest in military history and are into collecting militaria as well given that we are a community of watch enthusiasts and collectors. One of the things I like about militaria is that it is incredibly diverse and can include items like medals, uniforms, weapons, field gear and yes, watches.

What interests me most is how function influences form. Which kinda explains why I’m also mostly a tool watch person and love…

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The Watchmakers App

The new iOS app for watch enthusiasts just got released!

The app helps easily identify watch movements caliber (with most advanced filtering options), and also the most up-to-date list of U.S. import codes found on the movements. The app and the data …

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My Eleanor (finally thought I got it, and it’s gone)

I’ve had my eye on the SMP non-ac for quite a few years and even though I felt I had rounded out my collection, I ran into one at a very reasonable price. I guess it wasn’t meant to be.

I vetted the seller who has a long, solid history, agreed to terms and paid for it. Seller promptly shipped and when I received the package over the weekend, I rushed to the post office to pick it up. When I opened the package, this is what I found:

A box full of staples. I’ll say this: I…

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