Late 2020, early 2021, I did a big clean-up in the forest. Time to repeat this. We had a major storm in Feb 2022 that caused a lot of damage, but…
Continue readingW@nkernomics (replace the @ for an ‘a’)
Highly recommended.
In UK theaters this year. Check their website for the agenda.
Continue readingFiring up a fireplace without a door – asking for a friend (really!)
My friend Don lives in New Mexico @ 1900m altitude (this could be useful info, but I don’t know how/why at this moment).
He moved into an…
Continue readingOman, as we speak
We’re currently in Oman. For a large part due to the raving revues on these pages.
After 24hrs.: all positive comments are totally correct. In…
Continue readingTime to clean the barn: Hagery’s ‘bull market’ classic cars
There is a chance that you have one of these in or behind the barn.
Rolex oyster bracelet. Quick fix, or…
My wife’s Rolex with an oyster bracelet is causing a problem: one of the links’ screws is working itself loose. Even after tightening (by me).
Continue readingI might be persuaded… (Saab content)
I’m going to have a look ar this one.
Image: (
I am a massive Saab 96…
Continue readingPandora’s Box in the Netherlands – 80 yrs after WWII
Today, 80 yrs after 1945, the Dutch National Archieve has opened Pandora’s Box with names of people investigated (and sentenced) by…
Continue readingAfeela
Sony and Honda are quietly working on a new product. Afeela. The car will be introduced later this year.
Could be interesting.
I know for a…
Continue readingLights on War Graves
I’ve written about this is the past. But I think it is good that I repeat this story from time to time.
Over the years, it has become custom to…
Continue reading