Exotic (racing) dials (chronographs)

I am a watch-nut who also modifies cars and races them.
So it makes sense that I’m into these racing chronographs. Lately, I’ve been searching for ones with ‘exotic’ dials.
By ‘exotic’ I mean a dial with a chequered flag pattern or similar.

I’ve found these and I’m interested to see what else is out there.
So, if you have or know more, please share your knowledge.


Reference:145.006 and 145.016 from the late 1960s.
I’ve borrowed the photo from this reference’s…

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I am writing some articles about how to photograph watches

I managed to get this domain and I set up a quick website for my photography work.
I also started doing some “behind the scenes” articles about how I have taken some photos.

The link is here: https://watchphotography.com/articles.html

If you have any comments, please write here. I can do some “how-to’s” if it’s reasonable, so write your questions or wishes here.
I don’t want to explain Photoshop editing, because I only do basic stuff. Rarely do background replacements.

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Heli Reymond Green Setting chronograph Valjoux 234

So, I got this recently. There’s not much known about this brand. I guess it kicked the bucket when the quartz crisis rushed in just like hundreds of others small brands in the 1970s.

This one maybe has (or not) genuine dial, who knows. It does look fine to me with some quirks (some wavy tracks).
I have found that it has similar dial features as Enicar Big Eye V234. Same hands. Same seconds subdial.

Anyway, it works well, has for me good size and looks very pretty (especially on daylight)…

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Nivada ‘Newman Subdials’ valjoux 7765

So, I like this design. But, I cannot find any info about these.

Nivada, Dugena, and LeJour used this case and dial.
Singer made these dials.

Some photos I have found from the web.
In the case of Nivada there's a model called ChronoSport, but n…

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