To Buy Without B&P or Not To Buy Without B&P, That Is The Question…

A local jeweler has a rather limited 1950 case up for sale that I really like and is in good shape, but no B&P sadly. Explains why the price is 1.5-2k less than comparable examples that are online. I contacted my local AD and was told I can bring it in, pay them $450 and get a new copy of the papers within a few days, so checkmark there, but they can’t help me out with the box (maybe it’s because it’s a LE and has a special little plaque in it). Given the jeweler’s reputation I have no…

To Buy Without B&P or Not To Buy Without B&P, That Is The Question…

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New to the brand, looking at some options, and have some questions

Hi all,

Looking to add a Rolex to my rotation, eyeing either a Deepsea or a Polar Explorer II.

Now, I get Rolex is very expensive. Everything in-house, superlative chronometer, etc. Their attention to detail is commendable and what brings me to wanting one. I definitely have some reservations about buying something that only tells you the time and costs more than my first car, but our great human capacity to rationalize distinguishes us from the apes.

I’ve been on here and other watch…

New to the brand, looking at some options, and have some questions

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