1970s watch magazine ads and home catalog listings

Here are some 1970s watch magazine ads and home catalog listings.

I remember seeing these ads as a kid and was always impressed by their “sophistication”.

You simply don’t get these type of informative and characterful ads anymore.

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List of AliExpress watch brands in order of “quality”.

Based only on online opinions and reviews, here is a list in order of “quality” I have put together of watch brands selling on AliExpress. I have no personal experience of all these brands, apart from Tandorio, Corgeut, and Addiesdive – which I think produce good watches.

Needless to say, this list is not definitive. I offer it only for discussion.

Feel free to suggest ones I’ve left out.

Top-Tier (High Reputation, Excellent Quality)

San Martin – Arguably…

List of AliExpress watch brands in order of “quality”.

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