Has anybody on this thread or know someone else that has ever been mugged for their Omega? – curious if it attracts as much attention as other watches

Has anybody on this thread or know someone else that has ever been mugged for their Omega? – curious if it attracts as much attention as other watch brands

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I’ve had my friend get robbed (with his girlfriend with him) in his apartment for his fake Rolex. Somebody casing the joint obviously thought it was a real one.

He wasn’t even wearing it when they came in but they knew he had one.

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Thoughts on summer blue world timer

I’ve been thinking about this watch in titanium because the monochrome gray and titanium is just so cool…

But then I’m seeing this summer blue color in the rubber band that is literally so cool.

I’m seeing a lot of the resale market and I was a little curious about that.

Why are so many people selling these, any owners here? Thoughts?

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