When your vintage watch and another OF member’s watch is just 1 serial number away…

It’s a strange coincidence, but due to the high volume of vintage collectors here, such coincidences do occur.

Over the past 8 years, it’s happened twice – where a member puts up a vintage watch for sale, and I have the same model. Usually if it’s a less commonly seen model, out of curiousity I sometimes check the serial number of the seller’s watch vs mine. And on occasion, the 2 watches are just 1 serial number away!

The first time it happened was when @watchknut sold his…

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Branding on Airport Clocks

While I’ve noticed some airports have a wall of clocks showing times in different cities which are often linked to a brand (eg. “Time by XYZ”), I’ve never really paid much attention to the brands of the clocks at the departure gates.

Until today, when I was at the Siem Reap airport departure gate. I looked up, and unexpectedly there was an Omega Constellation clock, complete with claws…

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