(Relatively) New Member intro

Hi everyone, I joined the forums back in October when I purchased my first luxury piece, but am just getting around to posting a proper introduction now.

My name is Greg, and I am in my mid 20s. Perhaps a bit young for this hobby, but I am unfortunat…

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Best Single Hand Watches: Beyond MeisterSinger – Vintage & Modern Examples Sought

Hi everyone — I’ve recently been interested in buying a single hand watch like those made by Meistersinger, but have been looking for some other options. I’ve also seen some of the (beautiful) examples made by Jorg Schauer and some vintage Hermes pieces from the 1950s, but not much else besides some modern companies making them with quartz movements.

I realize these aren’t super popular, but wanted to see if any forum members had any favorites in this style, potentially vintage that I…

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