Some help with this 2254.50?

I’m looking at a local Peter Blake on Facebook Marketplace. The seller is saying it’s basically mint – he’s worn it twice, and it’s been locked in a safe. Pics are not watch-forum quality…but maybe he’s just not a watch guy and is looking to unload stuff quick and easy? I’ve included them below.

He has good reviews on fb marketplace and seems to not be a mass seller of any kind – just a dude who sells his stuff sometimes. The price seems too good to be true at $2,500, but I’d be able to…

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Choosing a 2220.80 – how’s my fishing?

Hi all,

I’m looking to purchase my first nice watch and have set my sights on the 2220.80.

This forum has been such a fantastic resource. I’ve read the ‘Learn to Fish’ post and understand to look for sharpness in the lug edges/bezel; despite poring over various pictures, I’m not very confident in my ability to differentiate just yet.

Does anyone perhaps have examples of what an overpolished specimen of this style may look like? Any other tips/tricks as I work to develop my eye?


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