REBUS puzzles

The name for a picture puzzle is a REBUS. @M’Bob started contributing rebus puzzles to the Tell Me A Joke thread. There might be a place for these fun puzzles. Some might enjoy them. So, if further contributions were to be submitted to a REBUS puzzle t…

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PM received

I just received this PM. Clearly an attempted fraud. If you receive anything like this, DUMP it!

My name is Messiah Kennedy, i make a proposal i wish to share with you i will brief you more once i hear from you as soon as possible i will like to di…

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Princeton Watch Co., New York

I’ve been asked for an opinion on this watch. Movement and dial marked Princeton Watch Co., New York. Does anyone recognize this movement? It looks Swiss, but it has a higher grade finish than I would expect out of a garden variety Swiss watch. Marked …

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Calling all Pocket Watch Buffs

Since there is not a forum for pocket watches, several of us pocket watch “nuts” have put our heads together to see if, by focussing on the topic of pocket watches in one “catch all” thread, we might be able, through combined synergism, actually have a…

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