30s Omega help

Hi guys,

I’m looking for advice/info on this 1934 Omega I was offered today. I have trouble finding information on it since there is no recognizable reference numbers on the photos I was sent. I think I’ve seen around here photos of similar omegas, but can’t look them up…

My main concern is whether:
1. dial has been repainted. I don’t have better photo for the moment.
2. hands are original. I love those cathedral hands, they look great. Subsecond hand looks a bit long, but not…

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Omega T17 dial

Merry Christmas Everyone,

I recently acquired this omega tank t17 (late 30s?).

I was very excited to add one of those to my collection and waited for a long time for the right condition one to land in my hands. I realized these rarely come with clean…

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Vienna vintage watches

Hi guys,

I’ll be going to Vienna for a first time, later this week. Will be touristing and Christmas_market-ing around.
A friend was there recently and shared his good impressions on nice antiques shops.

In this context, I’m wondering whether there are any vintage watch shops worth visiting or flea-markets, antiques markets worth browsing around for watches?

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